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Dictionarium latino-germanicum

Online Dictionary Latin-German: Enter keyword here!
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FAQ - Frequently Asked QuestionsDeutscher Text

Questions and Answers

  1. What is dict.cc?
  2. How can I report an error?
  3. How can I suggest a new translation?
  4. How can I report a missing term?
  5. What do abbreviations like "{m}" or "coll." mean?

  6. What do the numbers on the search results pages mean?
  7. Where can I find information about the vocabulary trainer?
  8. I forgot my username or password. Can you help me?
  9. The password you sent me doesn't work! Why?
  10. Is there an offline version of dict.cc? (dict.cc without internet connection)

  11. How can I report inappropriate ads?
  12. How can I report spam by registered users?
  13. Cooperation requests: Who can I talk to?
  14. Can I integrate dict.cc into my website or link to it?

1. What is dict.cc?

dict.cc is an online dictionary that's maintained by a community of volunteers, similar to Wikipedia.
General and contact information can be found here: About/Extras and Users/Paul
For information about the vocabulary maintenance system see Contribute/Introduction.

2. How can I report an error?

This is the standard way of reporting an error:
  1. Use the regular dictionary search to find the entry in question.
  2. There's an info button [i] next to each entry. Click it to open the context menu.
  3. Choose "Correct a mistake" from the menu.
  4. Use the following form to correct the entry, explain the change using the comment field.
  5. After saving the entry can be found in the vocabulary maintenance system, waiting for further review by other users. Every user can participate in this process, even unregistered users. Registered users however have increased voting powers, depending on their voting history.

3. How can I suggest a new translation?

To add a new translation, please use the input form at the bottom of most pages. In case there are more than 1000 suggestions waiting for verification, you can only add a new one after logging in and reviewing one entry posted by another user.
Please don't send input suggestions to the maintainer of dict.cc, unless you're able to provide excellent and easily verifiable source information (links)!

4. How can I report a missing term?

It's also possible to report a missing term without suggesting a translation at the same time. The term gets added to a wish list that will be seen by regular contributors.
Report missing translation | Translation wish list

5. What do abbreviations like "{m}" or "coll." mean?

See the guidelines for dict.cc. The most important abbreviations are explained there.

6. What do the numbers on the search results pages mean?

The numbers on the search results pages signify the importance of each translation, as determined by statistical information from the online vocabulary trainer.

7. Where can I find information about the vocabulary trainer?

See my.dict.cc/help.

8. I forgot my username or password. Can you help me?

Please click the "Help" link located in the login window. By entering the e-mail address you used for registration you can request an e-mail notification containing your username or password. When requesting a password, a new one will be generated each time you request it, so if you were impatient and submitted the form several times, you will receive several mails with only the last one containing the valid password. If you haven't received a mail a few minutes after your request, please check your spam folder or filter settings.

9. The password you sent me doesn't work! Why?

There are several possibilities:
  1. Using Copy & Paste you included some whitespace characters by mistake.
  2. You mixed up the characters "i", "j", "l" und "1" (or some others) when typing in your password.
  3. You submitted the "forgot password" form multiple times and didn't take the password from the last mail.
  4. The password is correct, but the username isn't - this happens more often than you think! In this case see the previous question.

10. Is there an offline version of dict.cc? (dict.cc without internet connection)

There are offline apps for smartphones and tablets, please search the store for "dict.cc" and "dict.cc plus"!
For desktop PCs there is no such software by dict.cc, but for personal use the vocabulary database of dict.cc can be downloaded for free as a text file. There are several programs for different operating systems that can read and use this file. All of these programs were written by third parties. I currently don't intend to write PC software for offline use, at least not in the near future.
For more information please visit the download page.
In case of questions regarding any of these programs, please contact the respective software authors!

11. How can I report inappropriate ads?

Advertising brokers like Google distribute ads from many different clients to many different websites, mostly in an automated way. The maintainer of dict.cc is not involved in this process. Dubious clients/ads are filtered out automatically, but in rare cases it may happen that one of the bad boys makes it through the filters, just as it happens with e-mail spam sometimes. Most ads have a symbol in their top right corner, this is added by the advertising broker. Please click it to report an inappropriate ad directly, that's the fastest and most efficient way of doing it. If the symbol is not there, you can use this link to report an ad!

12. How can I report spam by registered users?

To report a user visit the respective user page (http://users.dict.cc/username), then click the link "Report this user" (only visible to logged-in users). If three different users vote for deactivating the account in question, this is done automatically. Paul will then check this afterwards.

13. Cooperation requests: Who can I talk to?

If you want to cooperate with dict.cc, please do not call. Instead, send an e-mail to paul@dict.cc and please make sure to include a tangible suggestion. Thank you!

14. Can I integrate dict.cc into my website or link to it?

Yes, you can choose from several options:

  1. Links: Links to dict.cc are allowed and very welcome. If you want to display the logo, you can either use a screenshot or build the logo yourself using the text "dict.cc" and the following stylesheet information: Verdana, bold, italic, color: darkorange (FF8C00)

  2. Search field: You can use the following code to integrate a dictionary lookup form into your site:
    <form action="//www.dict.cc/" target="_blank"><input type="text" name="s"><input type="submit"></form>
    Of course the design of the form is completely up to you.

  3. Translation Box: That's a small box featuring a search field and displaying three translations for each keyword. The complete mini dictionary is contained in your site, so your users won't have to leave it. Integrate it via iFrame using https://syn.dict.cc/dcc-gadget.php as the SRC attribute.

    <iframe src="https://syn.dict.cc/dcc-gadget.php" width="280" height="75" style="border:1px solid #ccc; background-color:white; padding:0 5px;"></iframe>

  4. Complete result list using frames: Integrate the search field from section 2 into your site, change the action attribute to https://syn.dict.cc/ and the target to the name of a frame or iFrame on your site. This will display the whole dictionary result list without dict.cc-specific header and footer parts. dict.cc's logo does not have to be shown, but the built-in advertisement has to be visible and clickable without restriction of any kind. You can also link the regular version of dict.cc into a frame on that condition.

All the linking and integration methods mentioned here can be used for free and without having to ask for permission. Maintainers of websites receiving more than a few million page views per month should however please notify me in advance to avoid possible performance issues (paul at dict.cc). Short notes from other website maintainers (after integration) are also very welcome, just because it's interesting to see which sites link to dict.cc.
Server-side or automated parsing or processing of any kind is not allowed, currently there is no API available or planned.
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Latin-German dictionary (Dictionarium latino-germanicum) developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers